
How to download Bird Bot on Windows OS

1. Download Git

To download Git, use the installer from here. It should download as a exe file.

You can also watch a tutorial video here

Open the exe and you should see an installer.

Once you get to this step, you can exit out the installer.

2. Download Python

To download Python, use the installer from here. It should download as a .exe file.

Before running it, PLEASE DO THE FOLLOWING

Find where the installer is located and right click on it. Select "run as administrator"

An installer window will appear. Make sure to click "add python 3.8 to path"

After that, click "install now" to install Python.

3. Download the bot

To start, open a new cmd window. If you don't know how to open cmd, you can find it by going to search and typing in "terminal"

Then, type in the following

cd desktop
git clone
cd bird-bot

After that, you will need to install the Python modules that help power the bot. To do this, type in the following

pip install -r requirements.txt --user

You may get this error. If so, run the following command

pip install pycryptodomex

4. Run the bot

To run the bot, simply type


After that, the bot should open up.

If you want to run the bot again, simply run that same command again in the same cmd window. If you exit out of the cmd window and want to run the bot again, open up a new cmd window and run these commands

cd desktop/bird-bot

Last updated